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NTN Spherical Roller taper roller bearing Corrosion six measures and implementation lubrication method
NTN Bearing corrosion by a variety of reasons intrinsic and extrinsic factors that caused summarized in:

1, bearing the metal surface finish (oxygen concentration difference cell corrosion).
2, the bearing metal chemical composition and structure of the material itself.
3, the bearing metal surface composition and pH value of the solution;
4, bearing the ambient temperature and humidity.
5, the bearing metal surfaces in contact with environmental media.
6, it is human sweat pH of 5-6.

Therefore, in order to prevent corrosion caused by hand sweat, installation and production personnel should wear gloves, it should not touch the self-aligning roller bearings. Using NTN bearings, grease is critical. Deterioration of the grease used not only achieve its proper role, away will damage the bearings.

1, the oil flow observation

Take two measuring cups, one containing the lubricating oil to be checked, the other empty on the table, will be filled with oil cup held high 30-40 cm away from your desk and tilt, allowing oil to flow slowly empty cup , the observed flow, good quality lubricating oil flow should be slender, uniform, continuous, if there is oil flow unsteadiness, sometimes with large shed, then say oil has gone.

2, hand twist method

Twist the lubricant between the thumb and index finger repeatedly grinding, good hand feel lubricating oil, less wear debris, no friction, if they feel the sand between your fingers like a larger sense of friction, then the oil within impurities, should be replaced with new oil.

3, light law

On a clear day, the oil lifted with a screwdriver, angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal. Control sunlight, observe droplets situation, in the light, you can clearly see the oil is no debris is good, you can continue to use, if too much debris, replace the oil.

4, oil traces France

Take a clean white paper, drip a few drops on the filter until the oil leak, if the surface has black powder, a resistive touch astringent sense, then the oil inside the impurities have been many good lubricants no powder, hand feels dry and smooth, and yellow marks.

