
No matter how high-performance ball bearing

Bearings are precision components , be careful when you need to use . No matter how high-performance  high speed bearing  , if used improperly , it will not get the expected performance . Here are some Precautions bearing. A keep clean environment in and around bearing invisible even fine dust into the bearing , will increase the wear , noise and vibration of the bearing. Cylindrical roller bearings and their peripheral accessories should be kept clean , especially dust and dirt , tools and work environment are essential to keep it clean . Second, when used carefully allowed to install a powerful punch , knocking allowed direct bearing with a hammer , are not allowed to pass through the rolling pressure . Third, the use of appropriate , proper installation tools possible to use special tools, such as heaters and special high precision bearings    drawing tool , etc., try to avoid using things fabric and staple fiber and the like . Fourth, to prevent corrosion of the bearings by hand directly when handling bearings, be sure to wash hands sweat , and coated with high-quality mineral oil before operation, especially during the rainy season and summer to pay attention to rust. However , in some special operating conditions , cylindrical roller bearings can get a longer life in traditional computing, especially in under light load conditions. These special operating premise is that when the rolling surface ( track and rolling elements ) are effectively separated and limit pollutants may cause damage to the surface of a lubricant film .

